LowTE ADK – (90 Capsules Bottle)
LowTE Florida’s specific and unique combination of vitamins A, D, and K increases bone structure, density, and integrity. It also aids in proper bone remodeling, calcium utilization, and cardiovascular function* – 90 capsule size. 10,000iu
Quantity: 90 Capsules – 10,000iu
Why Vitamins A, D & K together? When taken together, they work synergistically to help build bone, improve your arterial health and your teeth. Over 90 percent of my patients are deficient in Vitamin D3.
Vitamin A:
- Bone growth and development
- Immune system support
- Vision health
- Arterial health
Vitamin D3:
- Health bones and teeth
- Kills many cancer cells
- Lowers blood pressure
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Regulates normal blood clotting
- Helps prevent diabetes and liver cancer
- Supports strong bones and teeth
- Reduces heart disease
Vitamin D3 alone does not benefit your bones and heart – you need all three working together for the maximum benefit.