90 capsules per bottle 12.5mg Iodine was removed from bread and salt years ago and therefore most Americans are deficient. Iodine helps the thyroid gland regulate your metabolism. Studies show optimized Iodine can support or reduce the following:
- Fatigue
- Breast disease
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Excess Mucus
- Arthrosclerosis
- Goiter/Thyroid disorders
- Ovarian disease
- Prostate disease
- Sebaceous cysts
- Vaginal infections
- Hemorrhoids
- Migraine head aches
- High blood pressure
- Infections
- Liver disease
- Keloids
Helps increase energy, promotes healthy hair, nails and teeth. Helps with weight loss and supports your immune system. Directions: Start slow ~ 1 capsule the first week, 2 capsules on (different days) during the second week, 3 capsules during the third week – continue adding in until you are taking 1 capsule 5 days a week. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and printings are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Supplement facts: