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LowTE Sleep Deep

LowTE Sleep Deep

Case of 12 Products
Regular price $252.00
Regular price Sale price $252.00
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Case price of 12 ($21.00 per bottle)

Sleep Deep boasts clinically relevant levels of melatonin and direct support for the neurotransmitters associated with tranquility and relaxation.

12 per case at $21.00 per bottle
60 Capsules

Gluten Free Soy Free Dairy Free Vegan

Our Supplements are proudly MADE IN USA
SKU: sleep deep Category: Supplements Tags: lowte, sleep deep, supplements

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LowTE Sleep Deep (Supports Healthy Sleep Habits)

Sleep Deprived? Optimize Your Shut-Eye With LowTE Sleep Deep

If you struggle to fall asleep, or to sleep uninterrupted throughout the night, you're not alone.

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 70 million Americans battle some form of chronic sleep issue

According to data from the American Sleep Association, among the tens of millions of individuals with sleep disturbances:

  • 48.0% report snoring

  • 37.9% reported unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once in the preceding month

  • 4.7% reported nodding off or falling asleep while driving at least once in the preceding month

Considering all those startling statistics, Americans need long-term, effective, safe sleep solutions more than ever.

Chronic sleep insufficiency contributes to several negative health outcomes -- including but not limited to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, poor performance at work or school, increased risk of injury due to accidents, chronic fatigue, and reduced quality of life.

Help is on the way. Here, we'll explore how LowTE Deep Sleep aids in restful and restorative sleep. We'll survey its active ingredients and what the science says about their beneficial impact on sleep duration and sleep quality.

LowTE Sleep Deep

What are the active ingredients in LowTE Sleep Deep?

  • GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) – naturally-occurring neurotransmitter - responsible for relaxation and calming of the nervous system. Improving sleep, reducing anxiety and reducing stress. It is safe, compared to benzodiazepine drugs like Xanax or Ativan that carry side effects and dependency risks.

  • Lemon Balm - (Melissa Officinalis) a member of the mint family, has served as an all-natural sleep aid since ancient times. Used by healers to reduce anxiety, induce calmness and promote sleep. Demonstrated to improve mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders.

  • Shoden® ashwagandha - a natural compound with sleep-inducing potential, that improves sleep quality and sleep onset latency in patients with insomnia. Carries an array of impressive health benefits; sleep optimization is just one of them.

  • Suntheanine© L-theanine – promotes relaxation without drowsiness. L-theanine is not a sedative – but provides good quality of sleep through anxiolysis (anxiety).

  • Melatonin – a structure of your brain called the pineal gland naturally produces the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin at night in response to darkness, as a mechanism of the circadian rhythm that regulates the sleep and walking cycles. Having enough circulating melatonin is essential for shifting your brain and body from wakefulness into sleep mode.

Let's get into what research demonstrates about the sleep-promoting benefits of each one by one.

GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Gamma-aminobutyric acid – more commonly referred to by its acronym, GABA – is a naturally-occurring neurotransmitter (a hormone-like messenger in the brain).

Your brain's neurons (brain cells) and, to a lesser extent, the pancreas, naturally produce and distribute GABA, enabling it to perform its soothing work.

As the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA is responsible for relaxation and calming of the nervous system by slowing down nervous system activity.

The three most important and interrelated benefits that GABA supplementation provides are:

  • Improving sleep

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Reducing stress

Several studies indicate that GABA is not only safe (a big benefit compared to benzodiazepine drugs like Xanax or Ativan that carry side effects and dependency risks) but also effective for improving sleep quality:

"GABA improved not only the subjective sleep quality but also the objective sleep efficacy without severe adverse events."

Another meta-analysis – a systematic review of research studies -- showed beneficial effects of GABA supplementation on sleep latency (the time interval between turning off the lights and actually drifting off to sleep):

"Doses ranging between 100 and 300 mg seem to be efficacious in reducing sleep latency with prolonged use of 1–4 weeks."

Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis)

Anthropological records show that lemon balm – a member of the mint family -- has served as an all-natural sleep aid since ancient times, having "been used by healers to reduce anxiety, induce calmness, and promote sleep."

In modern times, research has borne out that lemon balm reduces anxiety and reduces the severity of its associated symptoms, which include insomnia:

"Chronic Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract treatment has been demonstrated to improve mild-to-moderate anxiety disorders, its associated symptoms and insomnia in humans."

Shoden® ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is another sleep-promoting therapeutic with use dating back to ancient India and the ayurvedic tradition. Ashwagandha has an array of impressive health benefits; sleep optimization is just one of them.

Clinical studies indicate that ashwagandha is a safe, effective, and all-natural herbal solution for fixing impaired sleep:

"Ashwagandha root extract is a natural compound with sleep-inducing potential, well tolerated and improves sleep quality and sleep onset latency in patients with insomnia at a dose of 300 mg extract twice daily."

Suntheanine© L-theanine

Green tea is famous worldwide as a health elixir because it contains a wealth of therapeutic compounds, including the amino acid L-theanine. Mushrooms also naturally possess high concentrations of the compound.

Like the other three ingredients we've surveyed so far, L-theanine is all upside as a sleep supplement – proven efficacy, limited side effect risk:

"L-Theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness. Unlike conventional sleep inducers, L-theanine is not a sedative but promotes good quality of sleep through anxiolysis. This review suggests that L-theanine is a safe natural sleep aid."


A structure in your brain called the pineal gland naturally produces the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin at night in response to darkness, as a mechanism of the circadian rhythm that regulates sleep and waking cycles. Having enough circulating melatonin, therefore, is essential for shifting your brain and body from wakefulness into sleep mode.

Melatonin deficiency – meaning an inadequate supply of melatonin – is a major cause of poor sleep quality.

On the other hand, supplementation with melatonin is demonstrated to improve sleep quality. For example, via one meta-analysis of the impacts of supplementation on sleep:

"We found that the treatment with exogenous melatonin has positive effects on sleep quality as assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in adult[s]."

Understanding the synergistic effects of the LowTE Sleep Deep ingredients

It's important to understand that each of these ingredients, on their own, promotes healthier, longer, more restorative sleep. But acting together in concert, their beneficial properties build on one another and multiply. This pharmacological phenomenon is well documented and known as the synergistic effect.

Bonus: for individuals with allergies or who are simply concerned about dietary intake of gluten or soy, LowTE Deep Sleep is both gluten and soy-free.

Natural strategies to augment your sleep quality

Effective supplements like LowTE Sleep Deep can absolutely improve sleep quality on their own. However, this therapeutic cocktail works best when paired with lifestyle adjustments that also optimize sleep.

Here are a few of the most beneficial sleep-friendly strategies to consider implementing in your daily routine:

  • Cease or limit caffeine intake at least 6 hours before bedtime

  • Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning

  • Exercise regularly

  • Limit food intake (especially carbohydrates) before bedtime

  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake before bedtime

  • Cut out blue light exposure (from cell phones, televisions, or computers) at least an hour before bedtime

  • Set room temperature to around 65 degrees in the bedroom at night

  • Take 2 capsules before bedtime

  • Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegetarian

Ingredients Image